Come take a walk with me
Brent Watson's Come Take A Walk with Me is a book that is for all readers. It is a true story told by the author about having to face many battles after being paralyzed in a car accident. His story will bring out all of your emotions, as you will be taken through times of heartbreaking sadness and tragedy to wild and happy times that are sure to bring a smile to your face. This is a book that all who read it can, in some way, relate to. It is a story that will make you think about your life and how lucky we all are to have people who care about us. It will also inspire your soul, make you proud of who you are, and what you can become when following your hopes and dreams. The author strongly believes in being real and true to yourself and this is what he set out to accomplish in his life. His hope is that it will encourage, uplift, and help those who read it see the unlimited potential that God has blessed us all with.